Thursday, October 12, 2006

When Things Go Too Far!

I have just read a blog posting at about Muslims being offended by Apple 5th Ave store, due to it resembling the Ka'ba in Mecca. I do not ascribe to any religion for many reasons, that does not mean I hate people who believe in a religion, I just do not ascribe to worship of a higher being. Now I do believe that there is something greater than us. So this post is not intended to offend anyone.

I feel this is going a little too far. For some people this is the Holy Grail of stores, the Mecca of Apple Stores. People in general use these religious symbols or places to convey the feeling they have for this place. I would also bet that the designer did not think "I am going to rip off the Ka'ba so I can offend Muslims". There are many structures that are square in design. Why be offended about something that most people would not know resembles the Ka'ba.

The basis of this is that people need to stop being so sensitive. I believe that everyone can live together, just a little bit of understanding and loss of the belief that "I am right" would go along way.

Full Article


Maybe I was wrong to react. I maybe I was too sensitive. Have a look at this blog post.

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