Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Fairy 1, originally uploaded by Magoo23.

Yesterday (June, 12th) we went up to my girlfriends parents house. Her mother has cultivated a beautiful garden and so I decided that I needed to take a few photos of the flower and plants in the garden.

As I was wondering around I found a little fairy sitting in one of the pots. I forgot that she pus things like this into her garden. It was such a delight to find this little lady in the garden.

Taken with thanks...

Poppies 24, originally uploaded by Magoo23.

I was out on a photography trip on Sunday (10th June) when I saw some beautiful poppies in a local village. I drove past thinking they would be lovely to get a few photos of, however, they were difficult to get to unless I trespassed on the property. So I carried on driving and found a little way down the road some more poppies in a field. These weren't as nice but I settled for second best.

Once I had finished taking a photos I remembered I needed to get some stuff to a friend of mine. So I turned the car around and headed back along the road. As I was doing so I thought about those first poppies. When I was pulling into the village the lady that owned the house was waving at me. So I slowed down and opened my window. She asked me if I wanted to take some photos of the poppies in her garden (well in the field next to her garden). I was delighted and took her up on her offer. I pulled the car up and snapped the attached pictures.

I found out that she had seen me drive past looking at the poppies and then saw me down the road in a field with my camera. I thought I was further away than that but obviously not. Her husband was intrigued with what I was doing and suggested a few times to return and take some more pictures. I think he may have enjoyed photography or still does. We carried on talking for a while and I said I would get them a few prints of the photos. They were delighted that I would do this for them. I thought it was the least I could do for them seems as they had allowed me to go on their property and take the pictures. Now it is just a matter of getting the prints done and up to them.

I was delighted that there are people out there that are willing to help and talk with you. I always imagined most people would be a little more reserved, unwilling and unhelpful. But I suppose that is the problem with imagining and assumptions. Or maybe it is due to the television and all the horror stories one can hear.

Either way next time I may try asking instead of settling for second best.